I see this has been down voted and no comments have been left, no wonder you're so annoyed stuart, as for what you been getting in your personal mail and you showed me last night is quite shocking. I also see why your so peed off about someone plagiarizing you dystopia Album when you released it three months ago. This is really good, I know from your message this morning you spent most of the night making it, and it sounds excellent. Narration is top notch, I gave you a vote and here leaving my comment (that's how it should be), I'm so sorry about hearing YouTube taking your channel out, I know it was all your own work and you should be able to effectively complain.
I don't know if you saw I put up that song we did last night together, I thought it would go down badly but its pretty cool, I had a nice time and the mix sounds pretty good, I finished it off this morning.
My only negative here for this track is your cut between your rock track and that second track, you should have done that much better.
Get back to me on that "Somewhere without love" track I really want to help you redo it, and can book you next week (depends which message you see first as I emailed you the details). Also that other track you showed me, "falling for eternity" I will try and see if Brian will sing it for you.
I hope you are well and in a better mood than last night as I enjoyed myself, but that was the only let down. You shouldn't let PM's on this site get you down, as I've been having a load recently and I just take it in my stride. Plus if it keeps on happening I would report it to a mod.
Still would love to know who is bombing your work as its not fair and I reckon they don't even listen to your piece, the lyrics or both. As this is book material and you did all the voicing of the characters, which I thought was pretty cool.
Anyway I'll speak later when you reply to one of my messages.